
An F-1 国际学生 is a student who requires an F-1 visa and is looking to attend Saint Paul College on F-1 status. 如果这是你,请按照以下步骤申请!

如果您对国际学生申请和录取过程有任何疑问, 请联系国际学生mg电子试玩app处 international@byum.net, or 651.403.4470.


Before Applying


春季学期- 10月1日

目前在美国的转学生.S. and on an F-1 visa
秋季学期- 7月1日
春季学期- 12月1日

新的国际学生只能申请秋季和春季入学. 查询重要日期和信息 查看我们的校历.


As an F-1 student, 你的主要专业必须是副学士学位课程, 或英语语言培训(学术英语(EAP)计划). 并不是所有的项目都适合F-1学生. Students applying to study at Saint Paul College in F-1 status must choose a primary program from the list linked below.

Students wishing to pursue an academic Associate degree program at Saint Paul College who do not quite meet English proficiency requirements for this program (and otherwise meet admission requirements) will be issued an I-20 for a Pathway Program. Students in the Pathway Program will start with intensive English language courses and matriculate into their Associate degree program of choice upon completion of these courses.


mg电子试玩app有几个特别的申请项目,国际学生可以申请. 这些程序是:

如果你申请mg电子试玩app的其中一个项目, 你会被录取进预培训班. You will be required to take prerequisite classes before you can submit a special application to start classes for these programs. 这些必修课程需要一个或多个学期才能完成. 根据课程的不同,可能会有额外的要求.

每个项目都有不同的申请要求和截止日期, 即使完成了所有的先决条件课程,也不能保证进入该计划. 如果你没有被录取,你可能需要改变你的学生项目. It is highly recommended that students pursuing these programs meet regularly with their Pathway Advisor while in the pre-program to plan for the special application and timelines.

Steps to Apply


如果你是一个 new 目前不在美国居住的国际学生, 我想申请F-1签证去mg电子试玩app.

Submit the mg电子试玩app网上申请
第一步是提交在线申请, 在递交国际申请电子表格前必须填写哪些表格. 当您第一次提交在线申请时, 您将创建一个Star ID和密码, 哪些人需要提交国际申请表.

提交以下文件通过 国际申请文件提交电子表格
此表格要求您上传下列所需文件和材料. 您只有30分钟的时间来填写并提交表格. 您必须准备好所有必需的文件并准备上传. 30分钟后,表格将超时并删除您的信息.


  • 有效护照复印件
  • Copy of secondary school/high school records (diploma/leaving certificate/proof of completion) – English translation is required
  • F-1国际学生协议表
  • Proof of funds:
    • 财务证明报表由担保人或学生(如果是自费的)签署的银行对账单 $24,015 (USD)
  • 英语能力要求

准备好所有文件后,登录 国际申请文件提交电子表格 使用您的Star ID和密码提交文件.

如果你忘记了你的Star识别码或密码,请浏览: starid.minnstate.edu/selfservice

提交电子表格后,您的文件将在5-10个工作日内被审核. 如果我们需要任何其他信息,我们将通过电子邮件通知您. 一旦你完成的申请已经收到,你将通过电子邮件通知你的录取. You will receive your Form I-20 and Saint Paul College acceptance letter within 5-10 business days of your admission to the college.

Visit the 被录取国际学生的下一步步骤页面 获取更多关于收到I-20表格的信息, 申请F-1签证, 以及在mg电子试玩app开始上课前需要的额外步骤.


如果你是一个 SEVIS Transfer 国际学生. 这意味着你目前在美国的另一个学院或大学持F-1签证, 并希望以F-1身份转学到mg电子试玩app.

Submit the mg电子试玩app网上申请
第一步是提交在线申请, 在递交国际申请电子表格前必须填写哪些表格. 当您第一次提交在线申请时, 您将创建一个Star ID和密码, 哪些人需要提交国际申请表.

提交以下文件通过 国际申请文件提交电子表格
此表格要求您上传下列所需文件和材料. 您只有30分钟的时间来填写并提交表格. 您必须准备好所有必需的文件并准备上传. 30分钟后,表格将超时并删除您的信息.


  • 有效护照复印件
  • Copy of secondary school/high school records (diploma/leaving certificate/proof of completion) – English translation is required
  • F-1国际学生协议表
  • Proof of funds:
    • 财务证明报表由担保人或学生(如果是自费的)签署的银行对账单 $24,015 (USD)
  • 英语能力要求

准备好所有文件后,登录 国际申请文件提交电子表格 使用您的Star ID和密码提交文件.

如果你忘记了你的Star识别码或密码,请浏览: starid.minnstate.edu/selfservice

提交电子表格后,您的文件将在5-10个工作日内被审核. 如果我们需要任何其他信息,我们将通过电子邮件通知您. 一旦你完成的申请已经收到,你将通过电子邮件通知你的录取. You will receive your Form I-20 and Saint Paul College acceptance letter within 5-10 business days of your admission to the college.

Visit the 被录取国际学生的下一步步骤页面 获取更多关于收到I-20表格的信息, 申请F-1签证, 以及在mg电子试玩app开始上课前需要的额外步骤.


如果您目前在美国的签证类型不是F-1 (J-1),请遵循以下步骤, H-4, H1-B, F-2, 等),并希望向美国移民局申请更改为F-1身份,以便在mg电子试玩app上课.

Please note: mg电子试玩app不会为任何B访客签证的身份变更签发I-20.

如果您对您的情况有任何疑问,请联系 international@byum.net.

Submit the mg电子试玩app网上申请
第一步是提交在线申请, 在递交国际申请电子表格前必须填写哪些表格. 当您第一次提交在线申请时, 您将创建一个Star ID和密码, 哪些人需要提交国际申请表.

提交以下文件通过 国际申请文件提交电子表格
此表格要求您上传下列所需文件和材料. 您只有30分钟的时间来填写并提交表格. 您必须准备好所有必需的文件并准备上传. 30分钟后,表格将超时并删除您的信息.


  • 有效护照复印件
  • Copy of secondary school/high school records (diploma/leaving certificate/proof of completion) – English translation is required
  • F-1国际学生协议表
  • Proof of funds:
    • 财务证明报表由担保人或学生(如果是自费的)签署的银行对账单 $24,015 (USD)
  • 英语能力要求

准备好所有文件后,登录 国际申请文件提交电子表格 使用您的Star ID和密码提交文件.

如果你忘记了你的Star识别码或密码,请浏览: starid.minnstate.edu/selfservice

提交电子表格后,您的文件将在5-10个工作日内被审核. 如果我们需要任何其他信息,我们将通过电子邮件通知您. 一旦你完成的申请已经收到,你将通过电子邮件通知你的录取. You will receive your Form I-20 and Saint Paul College acceptance letter within 5-10 business days of your admission to the college.

Visit the 被录取国际学生的下一步步骤页面 获取更多关于收到I-20表格的信息, 申请F-1签证, 以及在mg电子试玩app开始上课前需要的额外步骤.

Visiting Student

If you are currently in the US on an F-1 visa and you are maintaining that visa status with another US college or university, 并且不打算转到mg电子试玩app, 你可能会被认为是访问学生.

如果你是F-1访问学生,不需要mg电子试玩app的I-20, 请通过电子邮件通知国际学生mg电子试玩app办 international@byum.net. We may need to override parts of your application after you confirm your visiting student status to allow you to register for classes.



Saint Paul College has partnered with the following four-year universities for guaranteed conditional admissions. 在你申请mg电子试玩app的时候, you may contact Saint Paul College to request a guaranteed conditional admissions letter for one of these universities.

保证有条件录取是没有约束力的,你可以以后改变主意. 通过参加保证有条件录取, 您将授权mg电子试玩app将您的联系信息提供给您选择的大学. 当你申请学生签证的时候, you should show the consular officer both letters of admission and be prepared to explain your four-year academic plan.


While the University of Minnesota Twin Cities is not a participant in this guaranteed conditional admission program, mg电子试玩app明尼苏达合作mg电子试玩app计划(MnCAP). 你可以把mg电子试玩app的学分转到明尼苏达大学双城分校.


mg电子试玩app不评估国际成绩单. If you have a college/university transcript from a foreign country and you wish to transfer your credit to mg电子试玩app, 你必须有一个第三方成绩单评估机构来决定课程如何转化为美国大学.S. courses.

虽然我们会接受任何来自AICE (www.aice-eval.org)或NACES会员(www.naces.org),我们强烈推荐教育证书评估员(www.ece.org)或世界教育服务公司. (www.wes.org). Saint Paul College reserves the right to request additional information from you such as course descriptions, syllabi, etc. There is no guarantee that your credits will transfer and it is your responsibility to request a timely evaluation.

留出4-8周的时间 成绩单评估 在你被mg电子试玩app的专业录取后完成.



家庭成员或朋友可以帮助你申请, but you as the student must ultimately submit the online application and all subsequent application documents.

因为联邦隐私法, Saint Paul College staff cannot speak to anyone except the student regarding their application status and any official college records. If you have an individual whom you would like to give College staff permission to speak with in regard to your application and materials needed to complete the application, 你必须提交 授权发布学生信息电子表格. 此表格必须由学生申请人填写.

除非此表格是由学生提交的, 家属寄来的文件, friends, 或申请人的第三方将不被接受.


根据美国政府法规的要求, F-1 international applicants must provide evidence of financial support for one full year for all expenses, including tuition, fees, books and supplies, 强制性健康保险, living expenses, and transportation.

银行对账单必须证明有流动资金,且时间不超过三个月. 来自退休账户的报表,如个人退休账户或401(K)账户,将不被接受.

这份对账单可以是账户摘要,也可以是银行的信函. 以下信息必须在对账单或银行信函上提供:

  • 账户持有人姓名
  • Date
  • Currency
  • Type of Account
  • Account Balance
  • 如果原始文件不是英文的,有英文翻译吗
  • 如果银行账户是以企业的名义开立的, you must also provide a letter on the business’ letterhead indicating that you will have access to the funds demonstrated on the statement provided

Saint Paul College reserves the right to request additional bank documentation if further verification of your bank statement is required.

Although Saint Paul College does not assist in filing this form and this form is not required to submit to mg电子试玩app, it is highly recommended for financial sponsors who are US citizens or residents to also file the Affidavit of Support Form I-134 (most recent form here: www.uscis.gov/i-134)及支持证据.


mg电子试玩app不提供任何第一学期奖学金, 而且学院没有为国际学生提供任何经济援助或经济支持.

作为一个国际学生, it is critical that you have the funds to support yourself throughout the duration of your studies at Saint Paul College.

mg电子试玩app的校内工作机会非常有限. There are no off-campus work opportunities for F-1 国际学生s in the first year of study and the options that become available after the first year of study are also limited and not guaranteed.

mg电子试玩app奖学金可以在第一学期后申请. 这些奖学金每学期从500美元到1500美元不等,不保证. 这些大学奖学金不应被用作主要的资金来源.

Saint Paul College does not recommend relying on any type of employment or college scholarship as a means of long-term financial support.

Ultimately, 确保自己有足够的资金支付学费是每个学生的个人责任, living expenses, 强制性健康保险, 以及在mg电子试玩app学习期间的其他费用. Failure to financially prepare may result in the need to leave the US early without completing your academic program and/or the loss of F-1 legal status.

我想做英语培训. 我需要提供英语水平证明吗?

是的,你仍然需要提供英语水平证明. 我们的英语培训课程(学术英语)从高中级水平开始. 该学院不提供初级英语课程. However, the level required for English Language Training is not as high as the requirement for Associate degree programs.


如果你还没有达到我们学术英语课程的英语水平要求, but wish to take some beginner level English classes as an 国际学生 and later transfer to mg电子试玩app, 我们推荐以下选项:

我想带上家属. What is required?

F-1学生的家属被称为F-2家属. 符合F-2家属的资格, 受抚养人必须是F-1学生的配偶(已婚伴侣), 或F-1学生未满21岁的未婚未成年子女.

在完成mg电子试玩app的录取程序后, both the F-1 applicant and the F-2 dependent(s) each receive Forms I-20 needed to apply for the F-1 and F-2 visas, respectively.

More information about what is required for an F-1 application with dependents during the application process, 以及F-2家属在美国期间必须遵守的规定, can be found here: F-2 Dependents.